Php Mysqli Extension Is Missing Windows Explorer
Posted : adminOn 9/12/2018How To Install Themes In Phpfox on this page. The mysqli extension was introduced with PHP version 5.0.0. The MySQL Native Driver was included in PHP version 5.3.0. >On Windows, PHP is most.
There are many sites around explaining how to install MCrypt for windows but none seem very straight forward. I have and I need MCrypt installed. Hp Psc 950 Driver Windows 10.
The default installation might not have or you might have missed it shomehow If that happens all you need to do it • Go to the website and download the windows binary package, (not the installer). • Unzip the file in a folder, (it should create a folder called something like php-5.x.yy-Win32, depending on the version number of php you got. • In that folder there should be a file called “libmcrypt.dll”, copy the file to your php extension folder, (see below if you don’t know where that is). • In that folder there should also be another folder called “ext”, open it and copy the file “php_mcrypt.dll” to your php extension folder.
• edit your php.ini file, (see below if you don’t know where that is), and add the line:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Dynamic Extensions;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; extension=php_mcrypt.dll Look for other “ extension= ” to find where to add this line. • Restart your web server, with Apache for example click on the icon on the task bar and select ‘restart’. Where are my php extensions? Normally they are located in your program files directory, something like “ C: Program Files PHP “, if you are using a non english version of Windows then the name might be different. If it is not there then create a phpinfo.php test file and look for the path in the various variables, (look for the variables extension_dir as well as PHPRC). Hp Deskjet F4185 Driver Download For Windows 7 here. Where is my php.ini file?
Same as above, normally they are located in your program files directory, something like “ C: Program Files PHP “, if you are using a non english version of Windows then the name might be different. If it is not there then create a phpinfo.php test file and look for the path in the various variables, (look for the value “ Loaded Configuration File“ ).
What should my phpinfo.php file look like? Open a blank file with your favourite text editor and type. Save the file as phpinfo.php in your web folder and it should show you all the information you need about your php installation. I looked in php.ini there was no extension=php_mcrypt.dll so I Followed your clear instructions (thank you) but in the latest version 5.3.16 ther was nothing in the ext folder, so I used the phpinfo. Download Aplikasi Remot Tv Buat Hp Java. php and to my supprise it was installed, So the extension is already built in to windows releases. So Guys double check create an text file with this statement, save as phpinfo.php (see below) save to your localhost root, navigate to it using your browser and see which extensions are installed. Comments are closed. Post navigation.
This error is generated in wp-includes/load.php. Go to your Wordpress directory and go look at that file and search for the line that has the error message. Look at the 'if' statement above it to see what MySQL extensions your version of Wordpress is trying to use. If it's checking for 'mysqli' and other MySQL extensions, that's a good thing, and you just have to make sure one of those supported extensions is installed.
If it's only checking for the 'mysql' extension, the problem is that extension has been deprecated and is no longer installed with new versions of PHP. You have to either upgrade your Wordpress installation, or see if it is possible to install the 'mysql' extension with your version of PHP. HI, This is Subramanyam from qatraininghub. The Solution for this 'Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.' Contact a Host Service Provider like Bigrock, Godaddy, Bluehost, Host Gator any more.